What we offer for supported employees
Help makes architectural products out of steel, stainless steel and aluminium for the multi-residential, high density and commercial property sectors. We warehouse and distribute as a third party logistics provider.The contribution we make to the ADE community
To the business community, Help’s ADEs provide branded products and services that satisfy our customers, are quality controlled, completed on time and delivered in a cost effective environment. To the general community, Help’s ADEs support staff to develop their professional and personal skills which assist in creating and extending their social networks. They can then engage more fully in their own communities both economically and socially. By encouraging and supporting people with disabilities to achieve a degree of financial independence, the financial burden on tax payers is reduced.
How supported employees and their families benefit from our organisation
‘Profits’ are reinvested back into better facilities and more services for employees. We work hard to maintain a well-rounded social enterprise that provides employment and training opportunities for people with disabilities as part of their work/life balance. All employees can access:
Interesting and diverse work;
- Accredited and non-accredited training;
- Qualified staff;
- Productivity –based wages;
- Counselling services;
- State of the art facilities;
- Uniforms
Our Community Liaison team keeps employees, parents / carers up to date with information on the NDIS and its possible impacts on their lives. We provide a Life Planning Service that can inform future choices. ‘Profits’ are reinvested back into better facilities and more services for employees. We work hard to maintain a well-rounded social enterprise that provides employment and training opportunities for people with disabilities as part of their work/life balance. All employees can access:
- Interesting and diverse work;
- Accredited and non-accredited training;
- Qualified staff;
- Productivity –based wages;
- Counselling services;
- State of the art facilities;
- Uniforms.
Our Community Liaison team keeps employees, parents / carers up to date with information on the NDIS and its possible impacts on their lives. We provide a Life Planning Service that can inform future choices.