ADEs Directory

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Street Address :

     269 Padstow Rd, Eight Mile Plains

Town :


Postcode :


State :


Phone Number :

     (07) 3340 9026

Website :

We have 20 - 50 supported employees.

What we offer for supported employees

the Monte Lupo Disability Enterprise provides a career path for people with disabilities who wished to be gainfully employed in an area encouraging creativity and artistic expression.

The contribution we make to the ADE community

With minimal training, our Monte Lupo artists have developed a very distinct, individual, style. The artists are able to express themselves freely through several medium including sculpture, painting, pottery, and screen printing.

How supported employees and their families benefit from our organisation

Monte Lupo investment in social enterprise is about adding value to the lives of people living with disabilities. The benefits are far reaching - more than most people realise. Employment opportunities now include a packaging warehouse, art studio, fruit

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