What we offer for supported employees
Oakdale Industries produces the highest quality products which includes: Tongue &Groove flooring; Parquetry flooring; Skirtings and architraves; And a superb range of furniture, craft & gift lines
The contribution we make to the ADE community
Oakdale Industries offers a real workplace providing employment and training in timber processing and manufacturing. Oakdale is a major Tasmanian timber flooring manufacturer and is currently working with Forestry Tasmania in the development of a new laminated timber flooring product known as HARDLAM. OAK Tasmania was promised $4 million from the Tasmanian Jobs Program to establish a HARDLAM Plant in Tasmania. This will significantly add to the employment of 42 Tasmanians over the next two years.
How supported employees and their families benefit from our organisation
Oakdale Industries offers a workplace that is safe and free from discrimination. It is supportive and encouraging and staff have a 'can do' attitude in working with and training people with disabilities. Supported employees and their families have established links with Oakdale management as together we work to achieve positive outcomes for each person.