What we offer for supported employees
Workpower operates a diverse group of commercial businesses that employ people with disability who work alongside industry professionals. Some of our businesses include environmental services, property services, fire equipment testing, electrical test & tag, packaging & warehousing, café & catering and web development.
The contribution we make to the ADE community
Workpower’s diverse range of Australian Disability Enterprises provide a vehicle to develop a positive public profile for people with disability and give the community better understanding of the impact of disability. Having businesses that work in the community is one of the most effective ways to show that people with disability can make a valued contribution to the everyday life of the community.
How supported employees and their families benefit from our organisation
Each year Workpower assists over 700 people with disability and/or mental illness to secure and maintain employment in its own commercial businesses or with community employers. The benefits to our employees and their families extend beyond just earning an income, for example our integrated business model facilitates an environment of self-help and self-reliance which supports the development of natural networks and relationships around shared interests.