David de Rooy

I have worked at Wangarang for 18 years as a supported employee, in many different jobs. Over the years the staff at Wangarang has been very supportive in times of ill health and good health. I don’t think that I would have lasted in a job in open employment for very long, and probably end up rotting on the pension smoking and drinking. I currently work full time, with a variety of tasks, of which are, administration, mailing and packaging and cleaning at the Department of Primary Industries. I get inspiration from my fellow employees who overcome great adversity just to come to work and try their best every day. If Wangarang was to close, it would force people to try and find work in an environment where work is hard to get even for someone without special needs. And at Wangarang we are all under the same roof so we can relax and not worry about what people think of us.

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