Kay & David

Kay -- I would be ecstatic if my daughter could be employed. She was working for Terama Industries on the Central Coast and was very happy there. She had to give up her employment there as she was assaulted on the bus to her workplace and it was unsafe to continue traveling on public transport. She received approx $20 a day. She was extremely happy with that amount of money and I thought that given her moderate to severe intellectual disability this was a fair amount of money. Unfortunately her life has been downsized from those days and I would love to go back so she could maintain her network of relationships she had formed there. Obviously some people with a disability are not entitled to the NDIS and need better pay.
David-- Kays husband -- I guess this direction is based on the "one size fits all mentality " there is such a broad range of ability levels when labelled with the tag Disabled, many disabled people would work for next to nothing to be allowed to belong , join in , and contribute in any reasonable workplace situation that allows them an escape from their isolated and lonely house bound existence, whether it be with parents or carers. This industrial relations and Union based political correctness applied to the Disability employment industry will destroy any chance of many people with moderate to more severe disabilities of having any purpose, meaningful social contact in the workplace or joy in their lonely and already isolated lives. A stupid , insensitive and uncaring decision ...what else is new?

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