Robert Spicer

Workman Bob!!! Robert has been working at “Gumnut Place” in Rob’s words ‘longer than he can remember”. He has actually been there since November 25th, 2004. Rob (‘Bob’ at work) says he loves his job, and works very hard over 4 days, from Monday to Thursday. He has a variety of tasks that keep him busy, however he has narrowed them down, as ‘there are too many to write down’. Rob has a very tricky job where he strips bark from the wood with a chisel. This makes sure that the wood is even and smooth. He then carefully places the boards in position to make up wooden pallets. I asked Rob if he wears any protective clothing when doing these jobs. Rob told me he doesn’t get splinters, or cuts on his hands as he wears thick leather workman gloves. He is very careful to wear his safety glasses so he won’t get anything in his eyes. Rob says he wears steel cap boots so it doesn’t hurt if one of the wooden boards falls onto his toes. Rob says at work he always enjoys talking to all of his mates, and his Supervisors Kev and Harry. He is ‘proud to work at Gumnut’, and it makes him ‘feel good to have a job’. At the end of the day, Rob says he sits down at the dinner table and has a meal with his housemates at BASS, and then ‘gets some rest, ready to go to work the next day’.
Thanks Rob, it was wonderful to hear you tell me all about your job.

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