Our son is 40 years old and suffers from Downs Syndrome. He has ben empoloyed atb Pheonix for the past 20 years. He catches 2 buses to and frm work. His skill level is in the middle range and we fear that shoulkd Pheonix in the future be forced to pay higher wages then current emplyees like my son would loose their jobs because Pheonix would be forced to concentrate on employees who are the most competent and most productive. The wellbeing and future life/work choices and opportunities for our son impacts on my wife and myself and on his two brothers and on thgeir families. The oppoortunity for him to be part of the workforce and to deal with the 'routine' requirements that are associated with going to work is the keystone to his well being. The amount of wages he is paid is totally irrelevent to him and to his family - we would gladly PAY for him to attend Pheonix.
Pheonix offers : - employment oppportunity - on-going training -skills/safety - social interaction/learning - survival and social skills to get to and from work - a nurturing and caring environment